Dunfermline Athletic


An apprenticeship is a work-based learning programme for current and future employees, with learning on the job. Available at Level 2 and Level 3

Apprenticeships equip candidates with the competencies, skills and qualifications they need to go into management, become a specialist or technician.

The large number of learning units available enables each apprenticeship the choice and flexibility to be adapted to meet the demands of most jobs in the industry. The SVQ is a central strand to the Apprenticeship programme and learners will be able to pick the SVQ units which are best suited to their personal and working needs.

Learners can choose between the following pathways:

* Specialist Management Skills
* Specialist Meat & Poultry Skills
* Specialist Supply Chain Management
* Specialist Improvement Skills
* Specialist Technical Skills

In addition to the above, the candidate will also undertake relevant Core Skills (communication, working with others, problem solving, information technology and numeracy).

Whether you are an industry employer, employee, or whether you are looking to start a career in food and drink manufacturing, apprenticeships will be relevant for you.

More detailed information on apprenticeships can be obtained at www.improveltd.co.uk or www.modernapprenticeships.com or www.mascot.uk.com

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