Dunfermline Athletic

How to join

Details of what it costs to become a member of Scottish Craft Butchers 2024


Ordinary and Associate Membership Fees

1 Shop £375 + + £75 VAT = £450
2 Shops £375 + £115 + £98 VAT = £588
3 Shops £375 + £230 + £121 VAT = £726
4 Shops £375 + £345 + £144 VAT = £864
5 Shops £375 + £460 + £167 VAT = £1002
6 Shops £375 + £575 + £190 VAT = £1140
7 Shops £375 + £690 + £213 VAT = £1278
8 Shops £375 + £805 + £236 VAT = £1416
9 Shops £375 + £920 + £259 VAT = £1554
10 Shops £375 + £1035 + £282 VAT = £1692
11 Shops £375 + £1150 + £305 VAT = £1830
12 Shops £375 + £1265 + £328 VAT = £1968
13 Shops £375 + £1380 + £351 VAT = £2106
Local Association Fees

Lanarkshire £ 25.00

The above local associations wish to have monies collected as detailed above.

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Annual Membership 2024

Please print the form, complete and return this with your payment to Scottish Craft Butchers, 8 Needless Road, PERTH, PH2 0JW
BACS payment to Scottish Craft Butchers
Account No.10023331 Sort Code: 83-47-00

NAME: ________________________________________________

BUSINESS NAME: ______________________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________

TOWN: _______________________________________________

POSTCODE: ___________________________________________

TELEPHONE : ___________________________

EMAIL: ________________________________________________

NO. OF SHOPS: __________

Membership Fees £ _______________

Local Association Fees if applicable £ _______________

Total Remitted £ _________________________________


Email your completed application to bruce@craftbutchers.co.uk


views: 43,045
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