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Modern Apprenticeships are contributed to by Skills Development Scotland and are available to all age groups. They are aimed at people who want to develop their careers within their chosen industry.

Modern Apprenticeships (MAs) provide individuals with the opportunity to secure industry-recognised qualifications at a range of Vocational Qualification (VQ) levels while in employment. A Modern Apprentice could be a new team member or an existing employee seeking to increase their capability. Modern Apprenticeships also provide a way for businesses to train employees to industry-recognised standards.

The focus of Modern Apprenticeships is set out each year in a letter of guidance from the Scottish Government. For 2016/17, the letter of guidance states that Modern Apprenticeships are a “central element of our Youth Employment Strategy. The programme continues to deliver against our dual aims of supporting our ambitions for economic growth – particularly around supporting STEM sectors and providing opportunities for young people.”

Over recent years, policy priority has been placed on opportunities for young people, higher level apprenticeships (level three and above), supporting key and growth industries and supporting equal access to opportunities. As MAs are employed, the volume and mix of starts for each MA framework is determined by employer demand.

Up until 2009 those on the Modern Apprenticeship scheme were trained to level 3 standard (supervisory level) in a work-based vocational qualification (SVQ). In 2009 a Level 2 Modern Apprenticeship was introduced to the meat industry. We expect this to be better received and popular with those in the industry wanting a qualification that reflects their skills.

*there is funding available from Skills Development Scotland for over 20s in certain areas. For further details contact Scottish Meat Training on 01738 637785 or email now

How can Craft Skills Scotland help?

We offer training under the Modern Apprenticeships programme in the Meat Industry. We work with Skills Development Scotland, through whom the funding is obtained. We can provide training advice and support, as well as carrying out the assessment and verification of SVQs.

What is the next step?

Levels of funding may vary between different areas. We therefore recommend that you contact us direct for further information on how to proceed.

Please contact us for further information.

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