Dunfermline Athletic

2018 Scottish Craft Butcher Savoury Products Awards

Friday, 1st Sep 2017

To be judged at Dewars Centre, Perth PH2 0TH
on Wednesday 1st November 2017
Entries close 17th October 2017

Back by popular demand. We really expected these awards to fall into the two year cycle that SFMTA maintains for all our other product evaluations and competitions but after the success of the 2017 awards members are keen that we keep these going on an annual basis. To enable this we are delighted to have the continued support of our sponsors The Dalesman Group, Colin Hewitson, Scotweigh, TPS Scotland and Dalziel Ltd.

Why were these awards so popular?

They focused on those who won and publicity extended to as many of the winners of an award as possible. Ultimately all craft butchers benefited from highlighting the sector as where to buy quality products.

The format of capturing good quality images of the winners with their products proved very useful to both media and entrants. Announcing the results online was also recognised as a good move especially for those in the remoter parts of the country.

This will be repeated for 2018. Judging will again take place on Wednesday 1st November at Dewars Centre Perth. Members found this venue easy to access and the centre proved a great facility.

A photocall of winners will once more be arranged using professional newspaper photographers and quality images will be collated to be released with the results. In 2017 the New Years Craft Butchers Honours List appeared to work but it confused some media and also the timing of the announcement came when butchers were closed for the New Year holiday. Stock levels were low and it was hard to capitalise immediately on the win.


The results will therefore be announced on Sunday 7th January 2018 from 7.30pm. It is hoped at that time of the week butchers will have plenty time to follow and post the results on social media.

For 2018 we will again use Facebook, Twitter and the Craft Butchers website to announce the results but reveal them as a virtual presentation i.e as if it was actually happening. Hopefully this will engage customers as well as trade. Posts and tweets will start with the silver winners, then gold then overall and work through the categories one by one.

The same evening winners will receive picture file images of their certificates, round award winners logos and the photographs that were taken in their shops. Physical awards certificates will arrive in the post from Monday 8th January onwards.

BUT you have to enter to win. Entry forms can be downloaded above. Entries close on 17th October 2017.

Rules of Entry

1. The Scottish Craft Butcher Awards are open to all SFMTA members.
The Savoury Products evaluation is for pies and pastries that can be eaten either hot or cold. There are six categories:- A. Scotch Pie, B. Bridie, C. Sausage Roll, D. Hand held Steak Pies, E. Hand held Speciality Pies (with or without additions), F. Chicken Pies (with or without additions)
By additions we mean: kidney, mushrooms, red wine, skirlie, haggis etc.
2. Entries may be any shape and a portion must be for just one person (150 – 250 grams).
The products must be baked ready for eating and supplied cold on arrival.
3. Any pastry can be used, can be lattice topped, potato topped, come with added sauce etc.
4. Each entry should consist of three products.
5. It is a condition of entry that an allergen declaration must be completed for each product entered in the awards but no ticket or cooking instructions are required.
6. The entrant must ensure the safe packaging, transport and delivery of entries to the venue or pick up point on time. It is therefore recommended:-
 All pies and pastries should be thoroughly chilled before packing and actually unpacked whilst still in chilled (but not frozen) condition (<8°C).
 Pack the products in an insulated box/container, ideally with frozen ice packs, so that they remain chilled.
NB: disposable ice pack and polystyrene boxes are recommended.
 Pack the products so they are secure, as movement could lead to possible damage.
 Label the container that contains each entry, seal and dispatch.
 When packed as above products can be sent with a non-chilled Courier on overnight delivery. We advise putting the consignment on a timed delivery to ensure it arrives on time.
Alternatively deliver your entries in person to your selected pick up point or to
Gannochy Suite, Dewars Centre, Perth PH2 0TH but they need to arrive chilled.
All products will be probed for temperature upon arrival. Products delivered
over 8°C, frozen or damaged or technically unsafe will be rejected and
therefore NOT judged.
7. The products MUST be delivered to the venue or pick up point on the date and time specified on the entry form.
8. Pies and pastries will be reheated and judged hot unless marked eat cold.
The products themselves must not contain any identifying marks which would
directly link the product to your business. All pies and pastries are judged blind
and can win Diamond, Gold or Silver awards.
9. All products will be judged on plain white plates without garnish or decoration.
10. The judges` assessment notes will be passed on to the entrants upon request, but are for the guidance of entrants only and must not be made public.
11. Those entrants winning awards may use the 2018 Scottish Craft Butcher Awards logo on products and in their own publicity. The logo may only be used for winning products and must mention the year of the award and the name of the pie or pastry which won must be mentioned underneath the logo.

Entries must be delivered to Gannochy Suite, Dewars Centre, Perth PH2 0TH on
Wednesday 1st November between 9.30am and 11.30am.

If you wish to take advantage of a collection point by 9.00am on Wednesday 1st November.
Shaws Fine Meats, 12 Market Place, Lauder Tel: 01578 722306
H & S Milne & Sons, 1 Inverurie Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen Tel: 01224 712621
James Chapman (Butchers) Ltd. Glasgow Road, Wishaw. Tel: 01698 372028
Duncan Fraser, Queensgate, Inverness, Tel: 01463 233066

views: 4,467
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