Dunfermline Athletic

2009 Traditional Steak Pie Awards

Tuesday, 15th Sep 2009

The Steak Pie from Scone butcher Ann Davidson was destined for success in this year’s Scottish Butchers Traditional Steak Pie Competition.

When the 2009 winners were announced Ann Davidson discovered that her female touch had enabled her steak pie to rise with perfection to be acclaimed the best in Scotland . Ann was presented with her trophy and prize by David Mooney, Wm Sword Ltd in her shop at 31 Perth Road , Scone on Friday 9th October 2009.

80 butchers from across Scotland took part submitting their product for evaluation by a panel of experts and enthusiasts at Perth College last month.

The steak pies were judged in regions before the top eight were selected to be mystery shopped and then eight of the best pies including the Scone one were mystery shopped over the counter and taken to the sensory analysis team at Food Innovation@Abertay who selected the Scottish champion that was the East of Scotland winner, Ann Davidson of Scone

Stuart Christie, President of organisers, Scottish Federation of Meat Trades Associations, explained “the evaluation is held to highlight one of Scotland ’s favourite dishes and to identify butchers whose steak pies are worthy of recognition.”

Douglas Sword of sponsors William Sword bakers added "Wm. Sword Ltd. are delighted to continue our association with these awards, which celebrate the best of Scottish produce and the best in Scottish craftsmanship and innovation. We have a very long association with the butchery trade in Scotland, having supplied pastry for over fifty years, and it is very heartening to see the breadth and depth of talent represented by these awards. We are sure it bodes well for the future of an industry which we are proud to be a part of.”

Ann Davidson took over the Cummings Butchers business in Scone on 4th June 2007. She had worked with her father in Glasgow boning beef since even before leaving school and fulfilled an ambition to run her own shop when the opportunity came up in Perthshire.

Ann who is 35 still lives in Strathaven, Lanarkshire meaning that she leaves home at 4.30am to reach her shop at 6. Her return trip means that her day is long but she says that all the hard work is worth it especially with winning this award.

Ann would only reveal the secret of her success to be good quality Scotch steak and 100% genuine seasonings. She said

"I put a lot of effort into submitting the pie for the competition but I thought all along that bigger butchers businesses would have a much better chance. This proves that everyone really has a chance!"

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