Presenting the prizes, QMS Chief Executive Uel Morton, said: "Key to success in this line of business is quality, that's the quality of the product you sell to your discerning customers and the quality of your craftsmanship.
"It's this that gives you the edge over your competitors in the multiple retailers and through the Meat Skills event, we can showcase the depth of expertise that�s out there among our emerging butchers and also those who are well into their careers.
"It's also a chance for butchers to keep an eye on what the competition is doing and look for areas where improvements can be made that can perhaps help their own businesses."
These results come on the back of new research that shows Scots support for their local butcher is growing. In the first quarter of 2007 value sales of beef in Scotland were up 11%, pork by 3% and sales of lamb were up by more than 20%.
Compared to their counterparts south of the Borders, Scots butchers are outperforming the independent sector in England for increases in value sales of both lamb and beef.
One of the ways Quality Meat Scotland supports the trade is through the Scotch Butchers Club. This is a nationwide group of independent butchers that unashamedly support and promote Scotch products in their stores and only purchase from QMS assured suppliers. The Scotch brand offers consumers the promise of quality assurance, traceabilty and high animal welfare standards on meat being sold.
Keith Fisher, product development manager at the Meat and Livestock Commission and a man with a vast knowledge of judging skills competition spoke on behalf of the judges
"It is a credit to all the butchers who performed have today, the skills that they have shown and long may it continue because they are a credit to everyone here today. I look forward to see how the younger butchers develop over the next couple of years.
"I will say to the older group, the over 22s, beware because if you look at their displays the under 22s have certainly performed extremely well today. They can all be very proud of themselves. On behalf of all the judges I would like to say a really big thank you to all our competitors."
"Scottish Craft Butchers" is a consumer facing branding for members of the only Trade organisation that represents the independent retail meat trade in Scotland.