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Unique double for young Arbroath butcher

Thursday, 2nd Dec 2021

Arbroath apprentice butcher Ariane Bennett has secured a unique double in the industry`s training awards, marking her out as one of Scotland`s most promising young talents.

Ariane (20) has worked in her family`s D H Robertson butchers business at the town`s Fishacre since leaving school, learning the skills of the trade and studying hard for industry exams.

And at the recent Scottish Craft Butchers Training Awards 2021, Ariane`s dedication and hard work paid off as she lifted the coveted SVQ Level 3 Modern Apprentice Of The Year title, marking a remarkable double with her Level 2 title the previous year.

"I can`t believe it," said a delighted Ariane after receiving her award from Scotland`s first National Chef and Masterchef: The Professionals winner Gary Maclean. "It`s just amazing. I`m absolutely thrilled.

"I never thought in a million years I would win given the competition and the standard of entry. To be the best in Scotland is both thrilling and humbling."
Ariane, who has battled dyslexia to secure her qualifications, said she really pushed herself to succeed and remained focused on her goals every step of the way - sentiments echoed by her Assessor Chris Wright.

"Ariane`s work has been of an extremely high standard," he said. "Many parts of the evidence she has created have now been implemented in the shop on a day-to-day basis - showing the high quality and knowledge she possesses.
"She has shown absolute commitment to the course," added Chris. "She had been doing her units as soon as they have been handed to her and then messaging me for further work almost weekly. This has meant she has gone through her qualification in rapid time."

While studying for her latest qualification, Ariane was also invited to become an Ambassador for Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) and has made videos for schools endorsing the butcher`s life as a potential profession for aspiring youngsters.

Ariane started working at weekends in the shop with her parents Steven and Pamela when she was just 13. Now she`s preparing to start work on her butchers Diploma to secure her full title as a qualified butcher.
"It`s what I`ve always wanted to do," she said. "This is my world and I love it. There`s never been any other ambition.
"I want to be every bit as good as my Dad and take over when he retires," she added. "This is a job for life and it`s the most rewarding profession ever."
Dad Steven is extremely proud of Ariane`s achievements.
"Arianne has been an enthusiastic pupil from when she was a young lass," he said. "She was always very hands-on around the shop as a youngster - wanting to learn more and get involved.

"We`re really pleased and proud to see her do so well - the industry needs talented young blood coming through and Ariane is a safe pair of hands for the family business."

Ariane topped nominations for apprentice butchers from all over Scotland in the annual awards sponsored by the Scotch Butchers Club the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).

Her achievement marks the first time a young butcher has lifted both the Level 2 and Level 3 national titles in consecutive years.
Gordon King, Executive Manager of Scottish Craft Butchers, described Ariane`s achievement as "inspirational".

"There are currently 320 apprentice butchers throughout Scotland going through their studies," he said. "Those qualifying in the past two years have faced specific challenges due to Covid restrictions and resultant adaptions to their training regime.
"Ariane has shown just what a rewarding journey it can be for those determined to succeed. She`s an extremely talented young butcher and an inspiration to all those who follow."
Nominations for the awards were received from all over Scotland and Gordon highlighted winners in this year`s awards as "exceptional examples" of a tremendous group of committed and enthusiastic apprentice butchers.

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