Dunfermline Athletic

Scotland’s butchers battle for pastry product plaudits

Wednesday, 1st Nov 2017

Tasty pastries from all over Scotland came under scrutiny at Perth as one of the country’s largest showcases of butchers’ handcrafted pies, bridies and sausage rolls took centre stage.

Around 60 independent butchers from Orkney to the Borders submitted a record 300-plus products to be judged in the prestigious annual Scottish Craft Butchers Savoury Pastry Products Awards.

Above: Douglas Graham of Blackwoods in Kilmalcolm delivering his pastry products

And those undergoing industry assessment will learn the judges` grading of their products early in the new year, hoping for a Silver, Gold or the coveted ultimate Diamond standard.

Above: Miranda Childs from sponsors Scotweigh, Princess of the Pies was one of the judges

Douglas Scott, Chief Executive of Scottish Craft Butchers, said that previous Diamond winners had found the accolade “business-changing” with sales soaring for their outstanding products judged the best in Scotland.

“This event turns the focus on exceptional products from our wealth of first class local butchers throughout Scotland,” explained Douglas. “Recognition from this robustly judged event endorses the products and assures customers of their outstanding quality.”

And Douglas said this year’s standard of entry had raised the bar for the industry awards.
“Customers are demanding top quality and an ever-increasing range of outstanding products,” he explained, “and Scottish butchers are leading the way.

“All the products brought here for judging are made to butchers’ own recipes on their own premises. Judges are looking at the whole eating experience including appearance, bake, uniformity, good presentation, great fillings, top taste and definitely no soggy bottoms.”

Thirty judges examined and tasted the entries in six categories throughout the day at the Dewars Centre, Perth - Scotch pies, brides, sausage rolls, hand held steak pies, hand held speciality pies and chicken pies.

“This year’s record number of entries reflects the fact that butchers are becoming increasingly aware of the value of leading industry awards and the credible endorsement they carry from a judging panel comprising retired butchers, food writers, hoteliers, food bloggers, meat industry representatives, home economists and consumers,” said Douglas.

“These awards show customers just what a high standard their local butcher sets. We’re very impressed with the quality, innovation and attention to detail across all categories this year and there are some outstanding entries.”

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