Dunfermline Athletic


Thursday, 1st May 2014

Boghall Butchers success keeps coming

Paul and Christine Boyle have lifted three championships and two runners up prizes at the 2014 British Pie Awards which were judged in Melton Mowbray this week. Over 800 pies were entered in nineteen categories covering every type of filled pastry delicacy.

The Boyles from Boghall Butchers who have shops in Bathgate and Broxburn have long been renowned for the perfection of all things pies and the judges at the nation’s top contest obviously agreed.

When the results were announced at the presentation held at lunchtime today (01/05/14) in the magnificent venue for the contest within St Mary’s Church at Melton Mowbray, the Scottish butchers won the Championship for their Steak and Kidney Pie, Championship in the vegetarian pie category for their Vegetarian Haggis pie, runner up in the same category for their Mediterranean Vegetable pie, runner up in the Lamb Pie category for their Scotch Pie, and Championship in the “Fit for a Hero” pie category with their Lamb Hotpot Pie.

The speciality class “Fit for a Hero” was named in commemoration of World War One. Paul Boyle was ecstatic with his success and was on a high when he described his success:-

“I would have been delighted with one championship but to win three is just phenomenal. We were up against big national companies and so for a small family business to have such success I am just delighted.

“Steak and Kidney pie is an English speciality, so to come down here and win this one is a big surprise. Our Vegetarian Haggis obviously didn’t put the judges off either but the ‘Fit for a Hero’ pie was the most pleasing.”

This pie was made with diced breast of Scotch Lamb, a selection of root vegetables finished off with sliced new potatoes under a butter pastry top. Paul revealed his rationale:-

“I read in a book recently that in wartime the ingredients of homecoming meals were all in the one pot. I decided that I wanted to achieve that inside a pie. What those serving abroad missed was good wholesome food and so that’s just what we created.”

The 2014 British Pie Awards were the sixth organised by the Melton Mowbray Pork Pie Association.

For more information please contact

Name :

Boghall Butchers

Contact :

Paul Boyle

Address :

65 Margaret Avenue



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County :


Postcode :

EH48 1SN

Tel :

01506 630178



Web :


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