Lanarkshire butcher takes up leading industry post
Monday, 25th Nov 2024A Lanarkshire butcher has been appointed the new President of Scottish Craft Butchers (SCB), representing the interests of nearly 400 independent outlets throughout Scotland.
Laura Black, co-owner of Cooper Craft Butchers in Bellshill and Motherwell, took over as the first female President of the 100+-year-old federation at their recent agm, marking what she called “a career highlight”

“This is such an honour for me and a position of trust and responsibility which I don’t take lightly,” she said. “I’m extremely proud to be elected to this two-year post and I hope to give a voice to all independent craft butchers and strengthen the bonds and mutual aid and support which our members give each other in every aspect of our industry.”
Laura came to the industry after an 18-year career in banking. Her parents ran the business and when they looked to retire in 2017, she was ready to take up the reins.
“It’s been a steep learning curve,” she said, “but I was supported every step of the way by family, staff and Scottish Craft Butchers. I want to help ensure that level of support from the organisation is there for everyone when they need it in the future.”
Laura’s career to date has been punctuated by success including the winning of the first ever World Haggis Championship in 2023. The current holder of the title, Laura hopes to encourage other craft butchers to go for gold.
“Being a butcher is a terrific career option,” she said. “It affords so many opportunities and opens so many doors both at home and abroad. I want to use my time as SCB President to promote apprenticeships which are critical to training the future generation of craft butchers.
“Independent butchers are a cornerstone of communities right across Scotland and I hope to visit as many member businesses as I can during my two years in office. People look to our members to provide high quality products, sustainability and field to fork provenance as well as a friendly chat.
“Having a background in the corporate world, I know you have to be in amongst it to affect change and I will do my best to represent Scotland’s independent craft butchers at every level.”
Married with two children, Laura runs the family business and 24 staff with husband Jamie, brother Andrew and son Mark.
“I couldn’t contemplate taking on this role without the support of my entire staff who have said they will do whatever is necessary to ensure I am given the time to carry out my new duties 100 per cent,” she said.
Laura takes over as President from George Jarron, co-owner of Scott Brothers Butchers in Dundee, and she praised his “enthusiasm and commitment” during his two years in office.
Gordon King, Executive Manager of Scottish Craft Butchers, said Laura would bring her own set of skills, knowledge and experience to the post.
“Laura will be a fantastic ambassador for Scotland’s independent craft butchers,” he said. “She joined the SCB executive committee five years ago and has played a vital and enthusiastic role in promoting the work of the organisation and its members ever since.
“Everyone at SCB looks forward to working with her in the coming two years and supporting her ambitions and proposals to safeguard the future of our industry and ensure we have a seat at the table in all major discussions affecting our members.”
For further information please contact SCB PR Maureen Young on 07778-779-888
Gordon King, SCB Executive Manager on 07917-524-313
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